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Group Events the text contains 7 words. This is far too low and should be increased.
Bad SEO scoreThe copy scores 27.5 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered very difficult to read. Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.
Ok SEO scoreNo outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.
Good SEO scoreThe focus keyword appears in 1 (out of 1) subheadings in the copy. While not a major ranking factor, this is beneficial.
Group Events Good SEO scoreThe images on this page contain alt tags with the focus keyword.
Good SEO scoreThe focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.
Good SEO scoreIn the specified meta description, consider: How does it compare to the competition? Could it be made more appealing?
Good SEO scoreThe meta description contains the focus keyword.
Good SEO scoreThe page title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.
Group EventsGood SEO scoreThe page title is between the 35 character minimum and the recommended 65 character maximum.
Good SEO scoreThe Group Events focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.
Good SEO scoreYou’ve never used this focus keyword before, Group Events very good
The text contains 214 words, this is the 300 word recommended minimum. Add more useful content on this topic for readers.
Ok, SEO scoreThe copy scores 59.7 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, Group Events which is considered fairly difficult to read. Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.
Ok SEO scoreNo outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.
No outbound links appear on this page, consider adding some as appropriate.
Ok SEO scoreThe text contains 277 words, this is slightly below the 300 word recommended minimum. Add a bit more copy.